ANIMUS & ANIMA - the union of opposites and the emergence of the self.
— Emma Jung, 1931

The Anima stands for feminine energies of a man. A man who is in touch with his anima is not able to live without his feminine reality. He is destined to his other half, and wins his self-identity by accepting ‘her’. A man who can feel his femininity is open and in touch with his unconscious mind.

In Plato’s concept of the relationship between soul and body, an open and irrational mind is a divine gift. Especially in the creative man the anima plays an important and special role. It can be magical to express masculine and feminine energies, which naturally belong together.

In the collective society it is normalised that a man is in touch with his masculine and rational ego-consciousness. As a result a man’s femininity is usually left behind and pushed deep into the unconsciousness. In fact the anima is often repressed out of fear to be insulted or punished.